More details in the Polish version.

Filling line 



Dear sirs:We would like to introduce you to our range of filling machines for the chemical or food industry.

Our machines suitable to serve in an industrial environment to fill transport tanks and barrels with capacities ranging from 100 to 1000dm3. Their construction has been developed by our engineers in cooperation with our clients, whose experience and suggestions are valuable because they have been masters in distribution business for years.


Our machines can perform many functions to make work even simpler and safer.In addition, every possible redundancy has been sidestepped to prove that the construction is more reliable and to cut the price for our customers.


These filling machines are produced in many options, which are agreed and optimised in consultation with our clients to meet their needs more accurately. Please note that the essential part of every machine is a filling crane.

The rest of the equipment may differ and depends on the application.


The master logic control is programmable, so it is very flexible and future proof. Solutions are matched to the specific liquid and the technology used by a production plant, so it is very easy for us to take into account any future needs of our clients.


The BELMAR company has dealt with automation in the chemical industry for over 50 years.

Its heritage is connected with the large, well-known chemical plant Zakłady Chemiczne Blachownia in Kedzierzyn-Kozle, Poland. Formerly separate mechanical, electrical and automation services have been connected; thus our staff is well qualified to deal with every technical challenge. We can produce both
high-quality and functional equipment using parts of well-known producers and suppliers .Of course, any suggestions made by clients can be considered during the planning process and buying of parts.






The filling machines are semiautomatic. A capacity of transport containers can vary from 100dm³ to 1000dm³.

The weight of each container is controlled by legalized scale.


The full set includes a roller conveyor part and a filling part.


A roller conveyor helps workers when they supply empty containers and pick up full ones. It is fully operated by a worker who fills containers and, as an option, can be controlled in small scale by a second person responsible for supplying and picking up containers. The container’s movement is coordinated with the roller’s, so there are no collisions or errors during weighing. The size of the roller conveyor varies depending on the client's requirements and workplace conditions.



The filling part includes a platform scale and a filling crane. The platform scale controls the volume of liquid poured by the crane. The pipeline has a nozzle that is inserted into the container during filling. The horizontal movement of the crane can be manually controlled by the operator, while the vertical movement is assisted by pneumatic servo.


The volume of liquid ismeasured by digital controller, which can learn itself how to make a dose more and more precisely.



The control unit has many security blockades that make a work very safe and reliable:


- The operator cannot move the roller during filling process.

- The operator cannot start filling the container when the end of the pipe is over the container and not fully immersed.

- It is impossible to fill the same tank twice.- It is impossible to move the crane when a container is being filled.

- It is impossible to fill the container when the nozzle presses the lid of the container.

- A liquid is not poured while there is no mass gain during filling.


Filling machines for aggressive substances



An option is available to produce filling machines suitable to work with aggressive chemical substances like acids and alkali. In such case, all parts that are exposed to these substances are made of special materials like PVC, PVDF or PTFE.In this option, there is a special extracting fan, and the intake is located over the immersed hose nozzle. A window made of organic glass is provided to help a operator observe the nozzle and immerse it more accurately. This extracting fan is adjustable, so there is no need to worry when containers differ in height. All fumes will be removed immediately without any troubles.The system allows the containers to be filled with the nozzle immersed (below the liquid table) or not immersed in liquid (over the liquid table).



Filling machines for dissolving agents


In this option, all machines are produced to work in hazardous areas where there is a possibility of explosion. Containers are grounded by a special controller that can stop the filling process when the earthing wire is not connected properly. A platform scale made in a special safe version is used and grounded. In this option, there is a special extracting fan, and the intake is located over the immersed hose nozzle. A window made of organic glass is provided to help the operator, who can observe the nozzle and immerse it accurately. This extracting fan is adjustable, so there is no need to worry when containers differ in height. All fumes will be removed immediately. In addition, a special security system called LEL is used to measure and react when a dangerous level of fumes is detected. In this case, the filling process is blocked and an extra ventilation is activated.



Filling machines for the food industry


In this option, all materials used for production of the machines are safe for contact with food. Nozzles and pipes are removable, and it is possible to work with different liquids at the same time. The built-in rinser programme eases cleaning of the pipeline and nozzles.


Our filling machines are being used in many locations in Poland, including BRENNTAG production and distribution centers in . Góra Kalwaria, Tarnowo Podgórne, Zgierz, Kędzierzyn-Koźle We invite you to browse the gallery on this page, with pictures of our filling solutions from production and distribution centers in Poland.




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Belmar Sp. z o.o.

BELMAR Sp. z o.o.

PROJEKT nr RPOP.01.01.00-16-0059/16

Rozbudowa  i doposażenie Działu B+R przedsiębiorstwa Belmar w Kędzierzynie-Koźlu wraz z realizacją projektu badawczego pod nazwą "Zautomatyzowana linia nalewcza do wielopojemnosciowego konfekcjonowania mediów o własnościach wybuchowych i żrących".


Cele projektu.

Opracowanie inowacyjnej w skali kraju konstrukcji "Zautomatyzowana Linianalewcza mediów o własnościach wybuchowych i żrących" sterowanej komputerowo, wykonanie modelu laboratoryjnego ramienia wysięgnika, wykonanie prototypu elementów linii oraz zmonmtować prototyp linii nalewczej i wykonać prac testowych działania linii nalewczej w warunkach przemysłowych.


Planowane efekty.

Opracowanie nowej konstrukcji zautomatyzowanej linii nalewczej mediów o własnościach wybuchowych i żrących  do pojemników z wykorzystaniem techniki wizyjnej i wdrożenie jej do produkcji.


Wartość projektu - 1 184 824,15 zł.


Wkład Funduszy Europejskich - 576 519,12 zł.